April 7, Rest Day in Namche

Today was a rest day after a challenging full day trek to Namche Bazaar and a gain in elevation of nearly 3000 feet. We woke to spectacular sunshine and a 360 degree view of towering snow-capped mountains. 

Unfortunately, due to the effects of altitude, one of our team members has made the tough decision to head home. Cheryl’s determination to make the climb to EBC, while on active cancer treatment, is an inspiration to us all. We decided as a team that today was a day to celebrate Cheryl and her accomplishments. A short hike up to Namche Everest View Park found the team soaking in awe-inspiring views of Mount Everest and the surrounding peaks. Tons of photos, dancing, tik toks brought smiles and laughter to us all! Our incredible team of Nepalese guides jumped right in – it turns out that tik tok is a universal language!

Survivor picture

The afternoon found us all with some free time. Acclimatization hikes, exploring the shopping in Namche, strong coffee at Sherpa Barista, writing and painting were just some of the activities we got up to today. We finished the day with a celebratory dinner and cake in honor of Cheryl. Tomorrow it is back on to the trail as we head on to Tengboche. 

Karen Loeffler painting the landscape
Floyd and Mary Beth with Everest in the back ground

Brought to you today by Jill Whyte.  Thanks Jill!

4 thoughts on “April 7, Rest Day in Namche

  1. Mary Beth, What’s left to say? You absolutely rock!! I have forwarded your blog to my daughters. They are inspired by their mom, and they will certainly be inspired by you. No mountain too high!! Best of luck. I have absolute faith in you!

  2. Mary Beth, we are enjoying reading of your journey and seeing all the beautiful pictures. We continue to offer blessings for your group’s safety and success!

    1. Thank you. Most of the group will leave tomorrow and I’ll get to meet all my fellow climbers. I’m sad to say good bye to the trekkers but excited to start the climb.

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