Prepping for my Summit rotation

Finally, after many, many days on the mountain at base camp, an illness, one trip up onto the mountain, and many hikes around camp, I’m ready for my summit rotation.
The weather is looking favorable for a summit on May 24th or 25th. The plan is to wake up at 1am to start climbing through the icefall. I’m hoping to make it to Camp 2 by afternoon and spend a rest day at Camp 2 on 5/21. Then upward and onward to Camp 3 (23,000ft) up the Lhotze face. I will probably be on oxygen at that point. I’ve heard the climb from Camp 3 to Camp 4 is the hardest.
When you arrive at Camp 4, you eat something even though you have no appetite and then you try to sleep for a few hours before getting up to start the final part of the climb to the summit. If you are fortunate you reach the summit between 8am and noon and return to Camp 4 by 5pm. All this depends on the weather staying warm (-15 to -18F) with low winds (generally under 30mph). You have to dig deep to simply put one foot in front of the other as you come up against the limits of your endurance both mentally and physically.
The last several days at basecamp have been extreme as we have seen the effects of the mountain- teammates have come down coughing up blood and suffering from frostbite on their hands and face. And the bodies of those who have died on the mountain are flown down by helicopter. These experiences force us to examine our motivations and contemplate our own mortality.
There is a special bond that formed at camp with our fellow climbers who come from all over the world- Thailand, Singapore, Australia, USA, South Africa, Pakistan, China, Germany and Canada. Imagine Nepal has created a family like environment where we are supportive and follow each others progress on the mountain. There is a celebration as each member returns to EBC after their experience on Everest. I’m looking forward to the summit, the celebration and returning home.

6 thoughts on “Prepping for my Summit rotation

  1. Let me know when you get to the top, if you can see the United States, wave. I’ll try to wave back! Congratulations and love

  2. Thank you for the update. Sounds like such an experience already!! Some good, some less good. It must n
    Be just incredible to share Everest e perítenles with new friends from around the world. Cheering for you and will anxiously await updates. What you done already is so amazing. I’m in awe of your determination and strength!

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