April 6, 2023 -Day 2 – The Whole Team Made it to Namche in Style

The ovarian cancer survivors on the trek – Mary Beth, Randee, Cheryl, Mandi, Lynn and Jess

Today’s trek was apparently one of the more challenging days of the journey to basecamp (3,100 ft of vertical elevation gain over 7 miles). We walked along a rocky trail having to move aside to let the zopkey, mules, and goats pass. An important secret to safe travel with the animals is to move to the uphill side of the trail so the zopkey don’t push you off the mountain. As we moved from village to village, we ascend and descend at regular intervals taking much needed breaks for tea and snacks. We also crossed four suspension bridges over deep ravines. After six hours on the trail, we turned a corner and namche, a small city nestled in the middle of the mountains, appeared – a welcome sight for weary legs. Namache is a bustling place crowded with trekkers, climbers, and locals. Our tea house, the Kumbu Resort, was perched high on the hillside which looked like a formidable final obstacle. Carole’s response when she looked at elevation of the lodge was “I want to speak with the manager.”

Buddhist painted rock
Topographic map of Everest
Arriving in Namche
Lunch on the trail
Final climb to the tea house

Arrival at our tea house was an emotional end to an incredibly challenging day. As Cheryl, who is currently in treatment for her 9th recurrence of cancer, made her final steps to the lodge, there wasn’t a dry eye among us. Her strength and courage is an inspiration to all of us.

Cheryl and Dr. hope

2 thoughts on “April 6, 2023 -Day 2 – The Whole Team Made it to Namche in Style

  1. Thank you for your wonderful posts. My daughter is part of your group. I love following along here. Trek on!

    D. J.

  2. You are ALL amazing. Praying for dafe travels for you all. ❤️ this blog!!! Please keep it coming. Go Team!

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